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database abstractionの例文


  • Through the usage of several database abstraction layers, the framework can be used with common relational databases.
  • Migration serve as a database abstraction layer so the model can operate abstractly and use the Object-relational mapping capabilities.
  • Popular use for database abstraction layers are among object-oriented programming languages, which are similar to API-level abstraction layers.
  • It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions.
  • "' ADOdb "'is a database abstraction library for PHP Originally based on the same concept as Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects.
  • The back-end configuration tool had taken shape using the NCurses library, and database abstraction using ruby-DBI and PostgreSQL for the backend database engine.
  • "' Silex "'is a micro web framework written in PHP and based on Symfony, Twig ( template engine ) and Doctrine ( database abstraction ).
  • The database abstraction layer enables the use of most common databases, i . e . MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle, without changes to the core system, by using drivers.
  • The "'Doctrine Project "'( or "'Doctrine "') is a set of PHP libraries primarily focused on providing object-relational mapper ( ORM ) and the database abstraction layer it is built on top of.
  • It included Record Browser-CRUD engine, designed by Arkadiusz Bisaga ( ethnar ), which is a high-level database abstraction layer, handling not only Create / Read / Update / Delete operations, but also automatic pagination, lazy delete, full record history, sorting, filtering and more.